
On this page we’ve provided an example of the prayers we use in our community; feel free to use them in your own daily spiritual journey.

The prayers are inspired by and often derived from the prayers of the Early Irish {and wider “Celtic”} Christian tradition and are contextualised for the modern world. They can easily sit alongside the prayers of our own Christian tradition.

A form of daily prayer in the Early Irish Christian tradition.

This day I encircle my brothers and sisters in the Community:
The love of the Father to warm you
The arms of Jesus to hold you
The light of the Spirit to guide you
The life of the Three to fill you. 


Lord Jesus, simplicity and a deep love for people
shone out of your apostle, Brendan.
Grant that, like him, we may be gentle in our loving
and bold in our speaking;
that we might inspire others to learn your ways,
and so pass on the fire of faith. 

You made Brigid to shine like a jewel in the land.
Help us, like her, to encourage others to their callings,
to reconcile those who are divided,
and to praise you with our whole being. 

Day by day, dear Lord:
Teach me from your Word and your world
Lead me on my pilgrimage of life
Free me to live in your rhythms
Spur me to the prayer of love
Strip from me all that clutters
Cherish through me your creation
Heal through me what is broken
Blow me to places on the edge
Inspire me to foster unity
Reach out through me with your justice, truth and love. 


Grant, O God, that your church in this land
may be true to its birthright.
Kindle in us the adventure of obedience,
the single eye, the humble and generous heart,
which marked Brigid, Brendan and your saints in this land. 

May your churches be true to their birthright.
May they be places of prayer and eating,
living and learning, work and celebration;
the fire of Christ in their midst
drawing people to you. 


Prayers Based on the 10 Waymarks of the Community’s Way Of Life

(this can be said personally or in a group)


For my shield this day I call:
A mighty power: the Holy Trinity
Affirming Threeness, uniting Oneness
In the making of all through love. 

Learning with the Heart (ag foghlaim leis an gcroí)

Implant your Word in our hearts,
that we may move deeper into your love.
Embed your Word in our minds,
that we may think your thoughts.
Increase our hunger to know you
in the lives and the words of your people
that we may grow in the wisdom of Christ. 

All: Renew us in your Spirit with the gift of understanding. 

Journey of the Little Coracle (turas an curachán)

Deliver us, O Lord, from soul-limiting self-sufficiency.
Open our hearts to those who you appoint
as our companions on the way.
Create in our hearts a place of hospitality
that we may share your joy with others,
and receive their blessing in return.
May we offer the joy of soulfriendship
to an orphaned and alienated world. 

All: Renew us in your Spirit with the gift of a Soul Friend for the journey. 

The Three Labours (na Trí Shaothar) 

Lord, we are a people bent out of shape.
vvThe yoke of our self- appointed burdens
chafes our shoulders and wounds our souls.
We have filled our time with things that starve our hearts.
Restore in us the balance of work,
prayer and re-creation,
and the Sabbath rest that re-energises. 

All: Renew us in your Spirit with the blessing of Creation’s rhythm. 

The Powerful Prayer of Love (fpaidir chumhachtach an ghrá) 

God of all the earth,
manifest in us your love of the whole human family.
Move our hearts with compassion
that we might storm the gates of heaven,
crying for mercy for a world
lost in illusion, greed and war.
Deliver us from praying our own agenda,
 that we may seek your best for all. 

All: Renew us in your Spirit with the passion to intercede. 

A Balanced Life (saol cothrom)

Father, free us from the demand
to build empires to our own glory.
Remind us that the one who dies
with the most possessions may die without you.
Help us to exchange
the costumes of worldly honour
for the garments of humility. 

All: Renew us in your Spirit with an attitude of simplicity. 

Care for Creation (cúram don chruthú)

God of creation,
your Spirit brooded over the chaos
and brought a universe to birth;
you rejoiced at each day of creation,
delighting in its goodness before the hosts of heaven.
You breathed your life into all creatures
and your Spirit into us,
and so made a marriage of heaven and earth in us.
May we treasure our kinship with all creation
which finds its liberation with ours in Jesus Christ. 

All: Renew us in your Spirit with tender care for all Creation. 

Restoring Relationships (caidrimh a athbhunú)

Triune God, Eternal Three, Eternal Unity,
you created us to be integrated beings.
Deliver us from the fragmentation
we have brought upon your church and ourselves.
Heal us that we may lay healing hands
on the groaning creation
and those who are broken by the disorder of sin. 

All: Renew us in your Spirit with the gift of wholeness and healing 

Wind of the Spirit (gaoth an Spioraid)

Spirit of God you come to us
as wild wind and gentle breeze,
you speak in tongues of fire
and as a still, small voice,
you call us to venture out
on the wide ocean of your love.
May we be ever open to speak out
in prophecy and launch out into mighty wind. 

All: Renew us in your Spirit with openness and vulnerability. 

Weave the Three Strands (na trí snáithe a fhí) 

Lord Jesus Christ,
you prayed that we all might be one
as you and the Father are one
give us a spirit that repents
for the divisions in your Church,
fosters love and truth among your people,
and lays down its life
for the hurting parts of the human family. 

All: Renew us in your Spirit with the love of unity. 

Share the Experience of Christ (Comhroinn Taithí Chríost) 

Lord Jesus,
you sought us out
in the ordinary places of our lives;
you visited the respectable and disreputable
to re-unite them to your Father;
you confronted what was wrong.
Remove our fear of walking into uncomfortable places,
move us to reach out to those who have lost their way;
strengthen us to confront the injustices of our times,
and help us to light up for people
the connections between their lives and your truth. 

All: Renew us in your Spirit with a zeal for this mission. 

All: For my shield this day I call:
A mighty power: the Holy Trinity
Affirming Threeness, uniting Oneness
In the making of all through love. 


Day by day, dear Lord:
Teach me from your Word and your world
Lead me on my pilgrimage of life
Free me to live in your rhythms
Spur me to the prayer of love
Strip from me all that clutters
Cherish through me your creation
Heal through me what is broken
Blow me to places on the edge
Inspire me to foster unity
Reach out through me with your justice, truth and love.