
A New Monastic Member

Recently, at the annual gathering of the members (Voyagers) of the international Community of Aidan & Hilda—of which we are the Irish Branch—one of our Cairde an Anama members was inducted into the monastic group. As a Monastic Voyager Br Brendan seeks to live out a monastic spirituality within his life and work. As a married monastic he is following in the tradition of the early Irish saints, many of whom were married. He will continue to live with his family and continue in his professional work, but he will do this seeking to put God first in all things. At this time of Lent, as we prepare ourselves on this Ash Wednesday for the deeper journey into the cleansing of our humanity, we celebrate with Br Brendan the power of God’s Love and the presence of God’s healing and we pray for Br Brendan on this new stage of his journey of faith in the Coracle of Hope on the Sea of Faith.

We also welcome another Cairde an Anama member into the noviciate of the Monastic Voyager group. She will explore the monastic spirituality within her own context and seek to prepare herself for the step of becoming a monastic, inspired by the early Irish Christian monastic tradition. God bless her this Lent.

Official Launch

It’s a pleasure to announce we’re now fully operational and ready to help you explore this spirituality which so powerfully represents that of the Early Irish {“Celtic”} Christians who pioneered the faith in this land. The Early Irish Christians went about the land speaking to people of the meaning and significantce of Jesus Christ, the Son of God. To all intents and purposes we can suggest it was a smooth transition; there was something about this new faith which made sense from the perspective of the old religion of the people. Ireland is perhaps the only place where this can be said; after all, there are no Early Irish martyrs. Recent academic research suggests that whilst St Patrick successfully introduced the Faith into the northern regions of this island, in the southern areas it was already growing because of the influences brought by trade from the eastern Mediterranean where what we now call the Orthodox tradition was nascent. There are striking similarities between the Early Irish form of Christianity and that or the Desert Tradition. It can be argued that this suggests the native Irish insight into the presence of the Divine in the landscape and experiences of the ordinary people is still present deep down in the Irish people who can show the ‘westernised’ world a more holistic approach to faith.

We hope to draw that to the surface level of consciousness within people of faith in this land.

If you’d like to explore these things further with us, and indeed experiment with your own form of our Way of Life by becoming an Explorer in our community, then don’t hesitate to get in touch with us by going to our Contacts page and sending us a message/request.

God’s blessings be upon you and may this Way of Life “rise up to meet you”, that you too may succeed on this road; your journey of faith.


Welcome to our new website. This is currently undergoing development and should be fully operation soon. It will be added to incrementally; so please revisit us to see what more information has been provided.

Every blessing (gach beannacht)